Product Photoshoot – KayaStandOut Accessories

Recently I did a product photoshoot with the amazing pins of the brand Kaya StandOut Accessories. The whole story began when I messaged them on Instagram proposing a collaboration & partnership for a post & stories on my profile. They kindly agreed & from there I decided to make a nice gesture and instead of only uploading a promotional post on my own profile to also make product pictures of the pins which they can use on their own profile.

The Product Photoshoot

It’s in my blood to do product photography, something about it makes me alive and helps me express myself through the product photography pictures.

The most appealing part of taking pictures of product for me is the part where I have to find other objects which are going to suite the scene & make it look complete, somehow add to the product but at the same time keep the highlight on the product itself.

As every other type of photography, taking pictures of products has its own specifics and key elements. First time I tried to take product pictures the biggest struggle was to find the right product photography lighting.

Of course after taking a 1000 product pictures and experimenting everything falls into its place. I’m very pleased with the results but most importantly the owner of KayaStandOut Accessories likes them A LOT & you can already find some of them on their Instagram profile @kayastandout.

Here are some of the final pictures:

The Sponsored Post & its Results

Me and my creative self decided to take advantage of the power of storytelling and use the opportunity of this sponsored post to show people how they can express themselves using the amazing variety of pins that KayaStandOut Accessories offers.

How did I manage to do that you may ask. Here is how: for each pin they sent me for the post I connected it to a part of my life and professional journey. From how I started with my journey through how I’ve had difficult times and finally to the future moment when I’m going to remember the early days I started pursuing my passions.

As a graphic designer, for me every possible expression of creativity is welcome ✨ ⁣⁣
Today, with the help of the unique and beautiful pins of @kayastandout, I will tell you my story and show you how you can express yourself and your creativity through them.
??‍♂️ Every story starts with “I BELIEVE”. Mine started the same way. Once upon a time, my faith and dreams were the only thing that kept me going. ⁣⁣
As I’ve said before – if you don’t even dare to believe that you can have what you dream of, how will you show yourself and the universe that you are ready to receive it? ?⁣⁣
⭐️ Next comes the stage where I decided to start acting on my dreams, even with the little resources I had then – “START TODAY”. Start today with what you have on hand. Along the way, you will realize exactly what skills, products or knowledge you need. One learns quicker while taking action! ⁣⁣
? Diving in deep water like the whale helped me learn to swim fast. I acquired the necessary skills to be able to achieve my goals. I learned to act and pursue my goals. ⁣⁣
? Not everything is flowers and roses on the way to our dreams. Like the sad potion bottle, I, like everyone, have my moments of doubt, fatigue, sadness. We don’t have to constantly feel perfect
? “I NEED MY SPACE” – the need for space and free time in which I don’t work and don’t pursue my goals is just as important for me. ⁣⁣
“Learn to rest, not to give up” is the motto that helps me continue after every fall of creativity and motivation.
✨ Ultimately, the most important thing is to collect good memories and feelings on the way to our dreams and put them in our jar with “GOOD VIBES”. After time we will look back and fondly remember what we went through.

The post ended up being one of the most liked on my Instagram profile, the comments I got were heartwarming & made me very happy to see that some people could relate and others just appreciated my story as it is.

Here are the actual metrics of the post as of today:

Tips for Better Product Photography

Of course this blog post wouldn’t be complete without some useful tips for product photography that I learned while experimenting:

  • Use diffused lighting that creates soft shadows
  • Take multiple pictures of the same product but from different angles
  • Try environmental shots – place the products in their “natural” habitat
  • Be careful with reflections when shooting objects with shiny elements
  • Depending on the use of the pictures – choose a simple one color background or create an interesting aesthetic scene around the product

Have you ever tried product photography? What challenges did you face while taking picture? If you haven’t tried this type of photography tell me what’s stopping you, is there something that you think might fail?

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